The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivner is is one book by a Christian writer that I can see non-Christians being engaged by effortlessly, especially those with an interest in history and the social sciences
“Today, whether we are talking about rights, or diversity and inclusion, or the miracle of scientific intelligibility, or humanitarian ideals, or a moral universe bending towards justice, we are complicit in an immense Bible-trafficking operation. When we speak of humanity, history, freedom, progress, or enlightenment values, with the significance now attached to those terms, we ar ecarrying on a Christian conversation. The language and logic are unmistable even if at points weve learnt to modify our vocabulary.”
I cannot put it any better than the authors who have endorsed this book as “punchy, engaging, entertaining, pithy, energetic, compelling, eye-opening and bursting with hope”.

Glen Scrivener applies a very fair hand to Christian actors across history, acknowledging where they have done wrong in the name of Christianity. Whilst not making weak excuses, he puts statistics in perspective, using fair comparisons and strong logic.
9/10 ⭐️
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