Sublimity of the maker’s artistry

I feel incredibly blessed every morning to be able to look out on a clear expanse of sky. It does something good for my soul. And reminds me of how insignificant my niggling cares are. It’s liberating, and humbling at the same time.

 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him,

Psalm 8:1.3.4a (ESV)

Some days, the skies are a gorgeous blue with cotton ball clouds.

Some days, like a science movie, we watch as rain forms and descends in very separate sheets.

And in this case, an amazingly thin sheet of strings that moves forwards…

And the sea is sometimes emerald, sometimes slate, sometimes aquamarine… most times just a cascading gorgeous gradated shade of blue-green, depending on sea depth or cloud shadow.

Many days, the clouds pounce forward thus, due to the prevailing wind direction.

Other days, they form sweet little choo-choo-trains, neatly lined up in a row, chugging to a faraway land. In land scarce Singapore, I know I’ll probably never own a home with a sea view, so I’m really thankful that the bulk of my weekday is spent with such a privileged view.

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