We had a good long break for a week, starting from new year’s eve. Was glad that we had the chance to have lots of outdoor time as a family.
There was swimming at a relative’s pool, where K effortlessly completed 200m! She’d swim 50 metres (the entire length), then rest for a bit, then clock another 50 metres! Her stamina is quite amazing, for a 6 year old.
B is still learning how to swim, and she had fun kicking on a board across a short breadth of the pool.
On new year’s day, the hubs and I awoke early, and went for a predawn jog. This has become somewhat of an annual tradition. It just feels right to start the year this way.
We don’t wear matchy clothing (anathema to the hubs) but we love our matching footwear! Men’s and ladies’ version of the same GT2000 series.
We no longer stay awake for countdowns (too many of those in our youth), and since our church did not have a watch night service this year, we went to bed early, and greeted the new year with a morning jog.
Later that morning, we headed to East Coast Park for brunch. The skies were overcast, but it was lovely to be out. Apart from light drizzles, the skies held up, and we had airy cool weather to bike and stroll in.
Gazing at the sea, it just reminded me of how much mystery it holds, how much beauty, and sometimes, how much grief, given recent events.
Nonetheless, being at this park always makes me feel relaxed and refreshed. It would be wonderful if we could do this every week or every fortnight as a family, but I guess I shall be realistic and aim for once a month for a start? 🙂
The girls had a chance for waterplay at the eatery we visited, and the clean pool was so much fun for them. It was also very near the beach, so we had great views as we dined.
It was fun meeting up with friends, and the kids had a great time playing together after they finished their food, leaving us to chat.
Over the past few days, we managed to have bike time almost every day, and realised that B who is turning 4 in a couple of months, is getting really good at balancing on the Strider. It’s time to get her a pedal bike! K’s current pedal bike is too high, and a hand-me-down so it doesn’t work very well any more. We shall be on the hunt for a good children’s bike!
Really pleased with and thankful for how we kicked off 2015, with lots of bonding as a family over outdoor activities. Long may this last!

It was nice catching up with both families on New Year’s Day. We have not been outdoors much during the year end as it rained so much. Sure hope to head outdoors more too. Thanks for linking up.
Susan recently posted…Motivational Monday – One Little Word for 2015
Welcome! Nice to hear that your One Word is “pause”. I have been reading Hands Free Mama’s book, and hope to say “hurry up” a lot less (though I’m still saying it daily argh). 🙂