Serving God together

When I ponder on our marriage, I feel that our marriage is strongest when we are serving God together, as a team.

Whether it’s in the song leading ministry, children’s ministry, choir, or Alpha, the time taken to prepare, practice and serve, somehow strengthens our marriage.

For song-leading (for service on Sundays), where the hubs plays the piano, and I either lead the songs, or serve as a back-up singer. This partnership has been going on in the worship ministry since we got married, which makes it 7 years plus now…

We took short breaks when the kids were first born, and are now on duty every fifth week, and are blessed that the grandparents can bring the kids out when we have practice sessions. I do appreciate the hubby’s joint leadership in the music team, and his ever-ready honesty in telling me what wouldn’t work. Jamming together with other folks is also extremely fun!

For the past few years, we have also been involved in the children’s ministry. We are on duty on different weeks, so that we can alternate attending main service. We help each other with the preparations sometimes, and the girls also chip in to cut and paste materials for the craft section of the sunday school lesson too!

Lately, another thing we’ve volunteered in, was the song and welcome portion of the Alpha course, which our church was conducting. The funny part was when I had to lead some games and break the ice with a joke. I tell really bad jokes, so you can imagine how the hubs was cringing all the way, haha.

I think such partnerships strengthen our marriage mainly because we realise that we are working towards a purpose beyond our own marriage, beyond ourselves, even. That our convictions are aligned, and that we are willing to invest our time and resources in pursuit of the same goal.

We have very different personalities (almost opposite in fact), as I’ve come to realise many married couples do. So it is a joy indeed when our differing gifts can be used together, complementarily, in service to God.

I think what we hope to do in the near future, is to go on a family mission trip. I think that would be such a meaningful thing to do as a family, hopefully with other families as well. To help in a small way to encourage the local church and pastor, wherever we may go, and to lend some cheer to the local children in organising games and activities. Maybe even help to build a toilet or something, haha!

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  1. What great partnership the both of you have at home and in church, serving God together. Guess most couples are also very different, as they say opposite attracts and that’s how God uses everyone of us to build his church and people.

    1. Thanks Susan, the world works against marriages in all sorts of ways today, so we have to try to stand firm! Yes, indeed many parts, one body. 🙂

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