Perth 2013 – The town of Harvey

Initially, we weren’t quite sure if there’d be much to do in the surrounds of our Harvey Hills Farm Stay, but we soon discovered that this little town was a hive of activity when it comes to fresh produce.

Delightful little town

Visitor’s Centre

We went to the Visitors’ Centre, which was located next to the Stirling Cottage, where children’s author May Gibbs (creator of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, hmm) lived circa 1885.

The land of May Gibbs

Stirling cottage

Quaint toilets for Colts and Fillies.

An old water pump
What they were offering free at the visitors’ centre from sheer abundance of harvests


Harvey Cheese Factory

We went to explore the cheese factory, which was more of a large cafe, selling freshly made cheese, with a small viewing gallery. We had a great time tasting cheese and bought a few to share with our hosts back in Perth.


Cream separator


How the cheese separator works!


A window into actual cheese-making


Harvey Orange

Next, we drove to the nearby home of Harvey Orange, which was also home to the Big Orange, a 3-storey high viewing tower.


Kev’s Country Meats

Harvey Beef and Harvey Fresh Milk were not open to visitors, but we popped by the very friendly local butcher (who knows many Singaporeans, it turns out) and bought a kg of beef and a rack of lamb. Yums!

Harvey Beef’s local butcher – he gets the choice cuts


Harvey Dam

We loved the picturesque Harvey Dam too. We strolled around at dusk, quite alone. The peace of sky, water and forest, undisturbed. It was good to soak it all in.

Our stay in the unassuming town of Harvey was definitely a highlight of our trip.

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  1. B is such an obliging poser 🙂 (Sounds funny but you know what I mean!) Really feels like a quaint little town. We have not explored Perth properly and would love to make a repeat trip.

  2. Yeah even though we lived in Perth city for years we never actually explored the other country much.. thanks for introducing Harvey. Would love to visit there the next time we’re in WA!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

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