Have you been out and about in Singapore lately? 🌤️🍃🌳🛝
The first edition of “Out and About in Singapore” was so popular that a second completely new illustrated travel guide has been published!

“Out and About in Singapore 2” focuses on nature spots in Singapore, and some of my favourite ones featured are the Changi Beach Park Intertidal Walk and the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
Melanie Lee is certainly well-placed to author this book, for many years, she has gone on numerous nature rambles with her son and other kids in our primary rainforest parks as well as on coastal intertidal walks – I have always loved seeing her photos of the fascinating sights of flora and fauna spotted.

I loved the illustrations by William Sim in the book, which are so detailed, and formed by soothing strokes of high quality colour pencils. Whether it is the myriad shades of luscious green depicting walks high above the tree-tops, or the brown textures of wood on the “nests” at the Jurong Lake Gardens Forest Ramble playground… this book is not just informative but a feast for the eyes.

It also gave me new ideas of places to visit such as Edible Garden City, which is a social enterprise that encourages Singaporeans to grow their own food. My friends had organised an event bringing children from a Family Service Centre there to be introduced to various plants and animals, and learn gardening and composting tips to grow their own edible plants at home!

Highly recommended as a gift to families with children aged 4 to 11. It is not just an idea bank of what to do and where to go in Singapore, but also a keepsake depicting the beautiful and abundant restful green spaces in Singapore, which are so essential to restoring peace and balance to our soul, in a city where life often hurtles forward at such an unforgiving pace.
9/10 ⭐️
Thanks @MarshallCavendish for sending this book over for review, and congrats @melanderings on another awesome book published!
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