FaithFav BooksMotherhoodReviews ‘Don’t make me count to three!’ by Ginger Plowman I went on a book binge... Lyn L KangJan 13, 2014Sep 6, 2014
Fav BookskoinoniaReflectionsReviews Glimpses of Grace – book review The sweet hubby bought this book for... Lyn L KangJan 1, 2014Dec 18, 2015
Eating outfriendsReviews The Exchange – a restaurant It was a lovely colleague’s birthday.... Lyn L KangDec 13, 2013Sep 6, 2014
Fav BooksMotherhoodReflectionsReviews Growing strong daughters – book review Been meaning to share the review... Lyn L KangDec 5, 2013Sep 6, 2014
FaithFav BooksReviews Of contentment [Guest post by… (drumroll…) the hubby!]... Lyn L KangOct 21, 2013Sep 6, 2014
Fav BooksReviewswritten word Imaginary Friends – an e-book! Pleased as punch to be... Lyn L KangOct 17, 2013Nov 22, 2014
Games BondPlayReviews Froggy Boogie – let your froglets do the boogie My pal Pam who runs My... Lyn L KangOct 4, 2013Jan 15, 2015
Fav BooksReviews How is my little fish feeling today? We received a complimentary copy of... Lyn L KangAug 2, 2013Sep 6, 2014
CraftReviews Most darling clips of art ever Made an order here, and this... Lyn L KangJun 26, 2013Sep 6, 2014