Ayaan Hirsi Ali – an important voice

Although her coming to Christ made the headlines last year, I had only gotten to know her story recently.

It is such an encouraging testimony, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord does with her life. Whatever you may think of her, it was incredibly brave of her to come out like this.

I am thankful that intellectuals like Ayaan also have the courage to write articles like this one (on her Substack) “A Guide for the Trans-Perplexed”
so that the world gets balanced insight to the strange things that are happening in our world today.

These are the important sections of her article. I would highly recommend reading it in its entirety.

  • Researchers, clinicians, and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) are now turning the tide to show what science really has to say.
  • Therapists, investigators, communicators such as Lisa Marchiano, Stella O’Malley, and Sasha Ayad have spoken up, even whilst facing the clear and present danger of being cancelled.
  • Progressive countries rolling back the trans movement: Norway, Finland, France, and the UK
  • Courageous journalists from both sides of the political spectrum testify to a common view – Helen Joyce, Abigail Shrier, and Matt Walsh
  • The de-transitioner heroines, including Keira Bell, Chloe Cole, Helena Kerschner, Scott Newgent, and thousands of others

As a society, we have to be well-informed and not just hide in echo chambers. The truth is out there for the knowing, the Truth is in Christ, and the truth will set us free.

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