As the sea eagle glides

The sea eagle glides in a circle

Above the pearly green isle

It sees the wide expanse of sea in the near distance

And weaves in and out of the swiftly drifting clouds

In and out of the ephemeral water vapour condensed into droplets

That float misty light grey

Opaque fluffy white

In the sun against a robin-egg blue sky

The eagle circles

A coronet above this emerald city

Where is its pair?

Eagles are always seen soaring in pairs

Their orbits sometimes in sync, sometimes in counter-cycles

Gliding round and round

Criss-crossing like fighter jets on National Day

But far less likely to collide

The eagle floats

Lifted by air currents unseen

Gazing upon this bustling little city

Knowing that it holds

Far greater wisdom and strength

In its life and days

Than the puffed up humans who spin in their futile circles below.

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