Arteastiq – back to the drawing board

I have always wanted to dabble with paint on canvas. Visited the hubs’ colleague once, and looked enviously at the numerous self-painted pieces of art he had lying around the house, wondering when I might get a chance to create the same. Then some mums I knew mentioned that Arteastiq was having a promotion, so I gathered some friends to go.

It was a lovely afternoon – first spent at Antoinette celebrating a friend’s birthday, followed by a stroll around Mandarin Gallery (first time for mountain turtle me!) where I was particularly taken by the old school stationary and knick knack shop Wood Would. Then we went to paint.

None of us really had any experience in this, nor knew what to expect, apart from watching some short youtube videos on acrylic painting on canvas.  But we got down to painting quite quickly, and it was quite fun and therapeutic.  Something quite out of the ordinary for the four of us, who have the whole range of 0-3 kids between us.

This was my final painting.  Very primary school like, but oh well, it’ll pass for me.

So now it hangs on my hall wall, testament to particularly enjoyable afternoons, both in the memory of the picture (a glorious spring day in London) and the actual art jamming experience.

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