When she was old enough to look things up on Wikipedia, Mayowa Althea Howard had seen that the other Althea had ‘broken down barriers.’ After that, Mayowa always strode purposefully through the turnstiles on the London Underground.
– Mayowa and the Sea of Words, Chibundu Onuzo

1. Wildly imaginative
I absolutely loved “Mayowa and the Sea of Words” by Chibundu Onuzo. Wildly imaginative and witty at every turn, Chibundu Onuzo weaves more than magic into every page. ‘Logosaltering’ (read to find out what it is!) has skipped a generation, and Moyowa demands to be taught the gift that her father never possessed.
2. Laugh out loud hilarious
I loved every single hilarious footnote that was generously sprinkled across each page, and the irreverent humour and clever inclusions of references so many children’s and adults’ classics.
“What’s the white man’s burden?,” Mayowa asked, scribbling as fast as she could. “The belief that white men are supposed to rule the world because of a deficiency in melanin.”
3. Addresses important issues
Tackling important issues like refugees in the UK, the vileness of selfishness and hatred in racial supremacy (with a slur on Mayowa skilfully depicted), as well as the economics of labour (Mayowa’s parents and maternal grandfather work for passion, which explains their utter lack of money, as compared to her Nigerian paternal grandfather who was swimming in it).
4. Fosters racial and religious empathy and harmony
Mayowa’s friendship with Wahatan refugee Hamza is charming, and totally natural even though they come from such vastly different worlds. Hamza’s mum wears a beautiful pink headscarf (known as the hijab, or tudung, in my part of the world), and Grandpa Howard says grace before a meal – the mentions of Moses holding his hands up, and a wise man born in Bethlehem made me feel seen and represented in a way that I hardly ever experience in middle-grade fiction today.
5. Enchantingly charismatic author
Chibundu Onuzo is a force to be reckoned with on Instagram! She pops out of each frame with such electrifying verve. An accomplished singer (you will love her soulful voice and impeccable sense of rhythm) as well as such a persuasive and hilarious book marketer (“to those who have, more will be given, so PRE-ORDER!”), my kids and I simply love her feed. She has so much character in real life, and so gracious in corresponding on Insta, that one can’t help being a total fan of the lady.
So glad the book is well-received all round the globe; I can’t wait for book two of this trilogy already!
Thanks @definitelybooks for sending this and other great books over!
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