I was really glad that for one of my leave days, I was able to arrange for a meet up with some of my old church friends. We mostly live within 3 train stations of one another, so visiting is convenient.
I’ve known one of them since I was 14, and the other two for more than 12 years. We attended one another’s weddings, ALL share the same gynae, and have either 2 or 3 kids apiece now. We don’t get to see one another regularly these days, so the occasional meet up every six months or so leaves us with lots to catch up on. Hence, I was really looking forward to this!
So were the kids, who sang all the way in the cab there, much to the amusement of the taxi uncle.

Hamming it up for the camera

Let’s pretend to sleep!

When we arrived, Zach immediately invited K to help him with his 82 piece jigsaw, and lamented plaintively when L lost interest after 5 mins and went to roughhouse with the other kids.
B was happily jumping on the upper bunk of their bunk bed’ with Nate and after a while they were all making the Thomas train tent collapse deliberately whilst all being inside, then bursting into peals of laughter.
At one point there were so many kids on the upper bunk ‘Pirate Ship’ (the under 3s were relegated to being crocodiles *weep*) that the host mum was worried the upper bunk might not be able to take their weight… …
The babies were so placid in comparison. Very chill babies, these two. Little Nick in green made my day when he gave me the cutest gummy smile when I carried and played with him.

6 of our kids. The two babies and two other kids are not captured here… Was great to catch up, and muse about how the kids resemble which spouse, as well as observe their personalities!
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